The Aspirational Block Program was recently introduced by the Indian Prime Minister in Delhi at the second National Conference of Chief Secretaries.

Aspirational Block Program: What Is It?

The Aspirational District Programme, which was introduced in 2018 and includes 112 districts nationwide, serves as the model for the Aspirational Blocks Programme.
This new programme aims to boost the performance of blocks that are behind on different development factors.

This will allow for comprehensive growth in the regions that need extra help.
At first, 500 districts in 31 states and Union Territories will be covered by the initiative.

Six states—Uttar Pradesh (68 blocks), Bihar (61), Madhya Pradesh (42), Jharkhand (34), Odisha (29) and West Bengal (29)—make up the majority of these blocks (29).

The Aspirational Districts Program: What Is It?

It was introduced in 2018 with the intention of transforming places that have made only modest development in important social sectors.

3C Approach: The program’s general structure

Convergence (of Central & State Schemes) (of Central & State Schemes)
Collaboration (between district collectors and “Prabhari” officers at the state and federal levels)
Competition (among districts led by a Mass Movement ) (among districts driven by a Mass Movement )

Dimensions for Ranking: The ranking is determined by the cumulative improvement across 49 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) organised into 5 major socioeconomic topics.
Nutrition & Health (30%)
Knowledge (30%)
Water Resources & Agriculture (20%)
Financial inclusion and skill advancement (ten percent)
(10) Infrastructure