An atlas to chart a parasite disease afflicting livestock in the nation and the vector that spreads it has been published in its first edition by Ethiopia.

Describe AAT.

The parasite protozoa trypanosomes, which are spread through the bite of tsetse flies, an African bloodsucking fly, are responsible for its development.
It is a serious animal illness that restricts agricultural production in sub-Saharan Africa.
Due to parasite resistance developing, there is no vaccination, and current medications are losing their efficacy.
There is also a human version of the illness, also called sleeping sickness or human African trypanosomosis.

Current AAT-Related Projects

The COMBAT initiative (Controlling and progressively Minimising the Burden of Animal Trypanosomosis)
Africa received funding from the European Commission for a four-year research and innovation programme.
Africa is represented by South Africa, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Uganda, Senegal, Sudan, Chad, Zambia, and Zimbabwe in the project, which runs from August 2021 to August 2025.